Seven More Ways to Get Help with your Vet Bills

If you need more help with your vet bills here are seven more places that might be able to help.  Each program has different eligibiiity requirements, many are available to all dogs in need.

1. The Farley Foundation

The Farley Foundation helps low-income pet owners in Ontario by subsidizing the cost of non-elective vet care for sick or injured pets. Sinc 2002, the organization has helped over 10,000 pets.

2. Tails of Help

This nonprofit organization provides assistance to Alberta pet owners who are facing financial hardship when their pets are ill or injured. The goal of the organization is to reduce the burden on animal shelters and humane societies.

3. Animal Cancer Therapy Subsidization Society

This non-profit organization provides therapy and treatment options to veterinary cancer patients to make cancer therapy accessible and affordable for animals diagnosed with cancer in Alberta.

4. Guide Dog Users of Canada (GDUC)

Guide Dog Users of Canada is a registered charity and they support guide dog handlers in financial need with vet expenses that are not routine.

5. Community Veterinary Outreach

Community Veterinary Outreach (CVO) is a registered charity that aims to improve the health of homeless individuals and their pets by offering human health services and health education alongside preventative veterinary care, CVO seeks to improve access to veterinary and human health resources for an at-risk population

6. Canine Cancer Awareness

This non-profit mission is to raise awareness of the prevalence of canine cancer and donations made to the organization are used to assist in vet costs for dogs with cancer whose families are financially unable to provide the treatment.

7. CNIB Foundation

The Guide Dog Assistance Fund provides support for extraordinary veterinary expenses. Emergency or unexpected expenses include emergency care, surgical procedures, treatment for infections and fractures, long-term medications, and special diets.

Do you know another option for support?

Please use the contact form to let us know and we will add it to this list.

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