Spring Fundraiser: Special Lions Club Offer!

Lions Clubs that buy 40 or more gift bags and get a special price.  We will deliver them before Easter.

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Pickup at DG in Oakville or Breslau or Halton K9 in Freelton

Free Delivery in GTA before Easter, minimum order $20.  We will contact you to schedule.

Discounts for Bulk Gift Bag Purchases: $13 for 15 – 39, $12 for 40 – 99, $11 for 100+


Halton K9 Lions raises funds to support Graduates of Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides with unexpected vet bills.

24 MARCH 2022 | 6:45 PM


All proceeds and donations are used to assist LFCDG graduates with grants for emergency veterinarian care for their working Dog Guide.

Donation (fill in amount)

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Lions Club Special Bulk Sales

The past year has been tough on everyone and the size of vet bills only gets higher.  It can be devastating when a working dog gets sick.  Halton K9 helps when things are toughest.

Our next Chocolate Fundraiser starts March 1.  We have an exciting special event – join us for Virtual Comedy Night on March 24th and, as always, Donations are very appreciated!

The lovely poodle at the top of the page is Kiwi a Service Dog graduate who would have retired in 2019 due to Immune-mediated polyarthritis but with the help of Halton K9 her handler was able to get the specialist vet attention she needed and has continued working for 3 more years (and counting!).   Halton K9 has helped hundreds of graduates over the years.

You can help extend the careers of working dogs like Kiwi by helping with the Halton K9 Emergency Vet fund.  Every contribution makes a difference.


Halton K9 Lions Club has been raising funds to help Dog Guide graduates with unexpected vet bills for their Service Dogs since 2000.   

Service Dog handlers are often on fixed incomes and get no assistance with the expenses for their partners.  Unexpected Vet bills can be devastating. So far we have provided over $75,000 in the past 11 years.

This year we have an amazing selection of chocolates available for pickup from Oshawa to Niagara falls to London. You will be contacted by one of our elves when your order is ready (usually in 7 to 10 days).

If you don’t need chocolate or are too far for pick up consider contributing to gifts for Dog Guide staff.  Donations are very gladly accepted as well.


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Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides

The mission of Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides is to empower Canadians with disabilities to navigate their world with confidence and independence by providing Dog Guides at no cost to them

Graduates are responsible for vet expenses

Dog Guides graduates 150 to 200 Service dogs each year. The vet costs for their care are the sole responsibility of their handler.

Tammy and Kiwi

Kiwi was diagnosed with IMPA and heart issues in 2018. Halton K9 was able to help as she and her vet worked together to help Kiwi heal and continue to support Tammy.